
How To End Your Month Like A Fabpreneur

What I am getting ready to tell you is going to sound obscenely crazy by everyone else's standards. They like to tell you that you should end your month selling, selling, selling. And that's not 100% correct. 

You should be spending your last day of the month: planning, relaxing, reflecting and thanking. Probably in that order. Your business should have Evergreen Systems in place so that it is making money on the last day of the month, not you. 

I created a checklist (which will soon become a downloadable and fillable product) for what you end of the month should really look like. So let's get it!!

1. Your Personal 30-day Mindset Investment Plan

You may be asking yourself, what is that? That's okay. It is your personal accountability plan of how to plan to feed your mind so that your life and your business stay in tact. If you find yourself not doing much over those 30 days, don't beat yourself up, plan to go harder the next month. 

2. Look at your current Evergreen Strategy

Look at what you have automated in your business currently. Evaluate what's working. Evaluate what you need to have turned on so that your business continues while you take a break. 

3. Customer Service

Who fell in love with you? Who fell out of love with you? and which ones of those did you properly nurture? It's important that you know what people are saying. 

4. Online Marketing Efforts

How did your current ads run? What platforms are working for you? Are there new ones that you want to try? (not to many at one time) Look at your lead generation tools and see which ones you need to retarget. Did you send your avatar through a nurture sequence. 

5. Email List Generation

How has your email efforts really worked in conduction with your online marketing efforts. What do you need to change. Have you looked at your email sequence? Is it working?

6. Monthly Goals and Weekly Action Steps

Look over the goals that you set for the month. Did you hit them? If not evaluate what you did or did not do to get there? Were your weekly action steps aligned with your monthly goals. 

7. Look at your Social Media Topics and Content

Are they strategically aligned with your goals and your overall plan. In looking over what you did, how did you avatar respond? Do have ideas for the next month? Social Media marketing research is ever going. You need to be able to take notes and come up with new creative content every month. 

Keep in mind that this is a partial list. I wanted to give a glimpse into what you should be doing now and looking at real data. I know that salesy people want you to spend the last 24 hours of the month selling everything at a 50% discount, and guess what, your business can but make sure it is done on auto-pilot. Not you physically doing it. 

So, Grab some wine, find a pool or your favorite working space, and get to that DATA!!!

xoxo Love