
That One Time Against That Oxblood Wall

There is a story behind this wall. I was driving with my daughter after I picked her up from school having a very normal conversation. As I am driving I see this pop of color out of my side eye and I get this jolt of inspiration. I have been dying to find a RED wall in Baltimore. 

So as I drive with my now tired teenager, she sees the glimmer in my eyes and knows that she is about to be out here at 5:30ish (we have lost all good shooting light) with my Iphone 6plus to do some werk. 

The other great inspiration and motivation behind this is that this video ended up being my first LOTW for my youtube launch. 

Click below to see the video!!!


Inspiration hits you anywhere. Just be prepared to move on it. I never planned the looks. I ran home, did my hair, put together some looks and shot video and 5 looks. Three of them are featured here on this blog post. Watch the youtube video. Links to outfits are in the description.