
My Fashion Split Personality

Hello Loves, 

This blog post is dedicated to a problem that I have that I know lots of women deal with. How many of you can safely say that you have come face to face with your fashion split personality?

It's okay if you haven't. Today on the blog I am giving you a sneak peak into mine. Well I actually have two split personality issues. Number one, I like to mix really cheap with semi luxe. I can't even consider typing the words high end because I haven't shopped high end in a long time. Welcome to life over 40 when you have children, tuition, dreams of a florida vacation home and a budding online business. 

I am soooo okay with how my life is going right now. (I can't even believe that I am saying this) But, I am. Life has a funny way of putting you back on track. 



Number 2, I love to be casual chic but I have a little streetstyle vibe I am completely living right now. 


So one day while I was scrolling through my insta-feed, I can upon a new blogger I like. She had on this sweater that I knew I had to have. (I still regret to this day, I didn't buy it). But it came from this online store that I had never heard of called Sheln. I bookmarked the site for use later. 

So about a two weeks ago, I decided to browse and saw this amazing top. I knew I had to have it for my upcoming vacation. It was the perfect vacation top, easy and off the shoulder. 

Now depending on the day, I could be seen sporting this casual with jeans and flats, or sexy with a skirt and heels. From the pics, you can see how I was feeling. 

There is one certain, for summer all bets are off. What drew me even closer to the top besides the price was the sexy ass split in the front. Trust me ladies, you definitely need this one in your summer wardrobe.